Beautiful things happen in ur life when u distance ur self fr0m all the negative things.
Life is full 0f ups and d0wns
So stay thankful during the highs and h0peful during the lows.
when my heart is heavy,..
I call on u
When i'm n0t sure who to trust,
Ur the're
When i d0ubt myself,
U believe in me.
Ur n0t just a friend,
But my best friend.
R 0 Z A...
The happiest friends
Never have the same character.
But have the best understanding of their
Nice evng
'LIKE' is a very suppery word
It makes you FALL and turns you a 'L-OVER'.
Have a nice day Ram
Never leave a friend
for a few faults
nobody is perfect
nobody is correct
in the end
affection is always
greater than perfection.
Salamun Alaikom
Have a great day
Never leave a friend
for a few faults
nobody is perfect
nobody is correct
in the end
affection is always
greater than perfection.
Salamun Alaikom
Have a great day
hai are you..? Will you inbox your whats app number...i can't send my message to your inbox,, no idea...