YeAr cOmE N Go , bUt tHiS YeAr i sPeCiAlLy wIsH 4 U A DoUbLe dOsE Of hEaLtH, PrOsPeRiTy,LoVe N HaPpInEsS ToPpEd wItH LoAdS F GoOd fOrTuNe. HaVe a gR8 yR AhEaD!hApPy nEw yEaR !! 2O12.. Is rIsHtE Ko yUn hI BaNaE RaHkHnA... DiL Me yAaDoN K ChIrAg jAlAe rAkHnA... BaHuT PyArA SaFaR RaHa 2011 Ka ApNa sAtH 2012 mE BhI BaNaYe rAkHnA... GooD Nit
If ur target is 10miles, aim for the 11th mile.. Spend the new year like this and got succeed... ">" border="0"/>
A PeRsOn vIsItEd tHe gOvErNmEnT MaTcHmAkEr fOr mArRiAgE, sDu, AnD ReQuEsTeD 'i aM LoOkInG FoR A SpOuSe. pEaSe HeLp Me tO FiNd a sUiTabLe OnE.'' ThE SdU OfFiCeR SaId, 'yOuR ReQuIrEmEnTs, PLeaSe.' ''Oh, GoOd LooKiNg, PoLiTe, HuMoRoUs , sPoRtY, kNowLdGeAbLe, GoOd iN SiNgInG AnD DaNcInG. wiLLiNg tO AcCoMpAnY Me tHe wHoLe dAy aT HoMe dUrInG My LeiSuRe hOuR, iF I DoN'T Go oUt. TeLLinG Me iNtErEsTiNg sToRiEs wHeN I NeEd cOmPaNiOn fOr cOnVeRsAtIoN AnD Be siLEnT WhEn i wAnT To rEsT.' ThE OfFiCeR LiStEnEd cArEfuLLy aNd rEpLiEd, 'i uNdErStAnD YoU NeEd tELivIsIoN.' wHeN YoU HoLd sOmEoNe, HoLd tHeM LiKe iTs tHe LasT TiMe yOu sEe tHeM, AnD wHeN ThEy gO, dOn't mAkE AnY ReAsOnS FoR ThEm tO StAy. Let tHeM FiNd a rEaSoN To rEtUrN... ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> fantastic friday