">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zMVgYbPw2bE/TcmBR-nhEbI/AAAAAAAAACw/wFzL9-9ApL4/s1600/life_beautiful8.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-X5QmNUOReRs/TkJ_QxeCAVI/AAAAAAAADhA/yMCn_p2XGz8/s1600/smile-because-life-is-beautiful-1.jpg" border="0"/> life is beautiful so enjoy ur beautiful life with your sweet smile Smile A While & While You Smile Another Smile, Soon There's Miles & Miles ...Of Smiles, & Life's Worthwhile Because YOU Smiled ... ^.^ keep smile on ur face love u my dear frd qadir husain khan
A Small Boy Took A Knife And Wrote His Girlfriend’s Name 0n His Hand.. After A Minute He Started Crying Loudly.. Why ??? . . . Paining ??? . . . No !! . . . Then ??? . . . Spelling Mistake !!!
*hApPiNeSs aLwAyS LoOkS SmAlL AnD LiTtLe wHiLe u hOlD It iN Ur hAnDs bUt lEt iT Go aNd u lEaRn aT OnCe hOw bIg aNd pReCiOuS It iS !!! * sO.. We hAvE To nEeDs vErY LiTtLe, BuT NeEdS ThAt lItTlE, sO VeRy mUcH... sMiLe aNd sTaY HaPpY TwInKlEzZ... NOW FEELS THE DEFERENCES BETWEEN THAT FACESBE">http://www.coolgraphic.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Baby-Blinking-Eyes.gif" border="0"/>BE HAPPY WITH WIDE SMILE good night...
if you cant fly, Then run! if you cant run, Then walk! if you cant walk, Them craw! but keep moving towards your goal. Thats life. ">http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/19859_236235973878_76149233878_3147829_5901096_n.jpg" border="0"/>