'LiFE EnDs WhEn yOu StOp dReAmiNg, hOpE EnDs wHeN yOu sToP bEliEviNg aNd LoVe EnDs whEn yOu stOp cAriNg. So DrEaM hOpE aNd LoVe…MaKeS LifE BeAutifuL' Zzz...SliP deEp WiTh diStuRbEdLeSS drEaMs...
'aLwAyS BeLiEvE ThE SuPrEmAcY wItHiN YoU sTaRt wAlKiNg tOwArDs yOuR TaRgEt PrAyErS WiLl dEfEnD YoU AnD ShOw yOu tHe rIgHt PaTh Be cOnStRuCtIvE AnD Do nOt gIvE AtTeNtIoN tO DiSaPpOiNtMeNtS jUsT BeLiEvE In yOu bE CoNfidEnT aNd bRaVe...' gUt MoRniNG... *..^..* ~.~ *
Many Many wishes to you and your family my dear friend, may this EID brings aii the happiness and joy to you and Alaha fulfil all your wishes and dreams of your life AAMIN
Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice, and commitment to Allahs orders,May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life,and help all amongst us, who r helpless,worried, and waiting for his rehmat, Ameen.Eid Mubarak. MISBAh