OMG!! Im really galD tu have yOu as my frienD ...beaing a nUrse is a nOble thing, my frienD is a pediatric nurse anD she lOves childer so am I wOh yOu have really big dreams anD I hOpe yOu can achieve them darling Im sure yOu will, i'll pray fOr yOu tu Marry him anD bOth be happy eva anD eva i'd do the same with my fav singer Eminem i aDore him anD His sOngs anD i wish i can meet him sOmeday
lol tho i hate geography i awlays suck'd it up i just like travellin, which is best part on geOgraphy but i knOw chinees girls are so blOOdy beautiful, just like yOuuuu well, yOur questiOn is lil bit vague!! wOuld yOu make it smiple fOr me
you look more pritter with yOu style anD i really lOve it Im just the smpile carzy me tho im mOre into hip hOp style anD tho sOme ppl still thinks Im emo or gOth beacuse i like tattos anD pirecing , but Im nOt
it's Okie darling , i knOw hOw schoolwOrks seem ..i've been busy with my unfinished wOrk tasks anD assignments ... Newy, ImA JuS sayin the trUth ... yOure blOOdy adOrable، anD I adOre yOur stayle ...