helooooooooooooooo madam u r one hour finish and me cloths washing and iron also fresh alos finish madam
if i am god then i tell do now all this works hhhhhhh what u say if u god tell me
baby when we meet and when we talks baby
ohhhh good baby me also same work doing hhhhhhhhh
ys baby what are u doing baby
she send last night told friend i confromed no need talk like lover
she tell we are friends so talks week ly not dily then how i talk dily
suni call 5 time from day i no amswer da
ohhhhhhhhhh u came ok good morning da
yes what i am telling that good night da bye
nathing da i am thinking about u only
then we chat 2 maro happy plsss i told right if some time u wake up then send message i give reply up to 3am ok
2 maro going job are not what time we chat 2 maro my be i think u sleep beter i feel
ok send slow but more headek then u take rest 4 one hour and come back we chat what u say
plsss baby take rest and i wait da ok tell me