You need to know mate. Not always we are in the best position, and not that easy to be the best position. But, still do your best. Life is simple, what you choose, to live your and never regret it.
If you want to send a chat to me, send it through messages, not through guestbooks. Because through the message, I think it's better safeguard your privacy. Have fun!
Disini orangnya sangat sensitive, mudah untuk marah. Setiap pertemuan selalu ada perpisahan, sekarang saatnya berpisah. Selamat tinggal semuanya, aku akan kembali lagi bila aku merasa rindu kepada kalian semua.
Here people are extremely sensitive, easy to get angry. Each meeting there is always a separation, it is time to part. Goodbye to everything, I would go back again if I was longing for you all.