GoOd MoRnInG Time & smile R 2 Crucial things in in life . Some times time makes up 2 forget smiles & sometimes someone make us forget time . Take care keep Smilling
">" border="0"/> Be simple but look stylish, Be tough but look soft, Be tensed but look cool, Be a winner but look like a Beginner. Thats OUR way of living life. -Gud mor JIMY ">" border="0"/> keep smilling
">" border="0"/> LOVE asked DEATH:
Why do poeple like me & hate u ?
DEATH Replid to LOVE: Because you are a 'Lie' and I am the 'Truth'. ">" border="0"/> keep smilling
">" border="0"/> I like this world because u live here, i like the wind because it touches u,i like the sun bcoz it shines on u, i love god bcoz he made u to b my sweet friend . GoOd MoRnInG . JiMy ">" border="0"/> keep smilling
">" border="0"/> "SPECIAL FRIEND" see " HEART 2 HEART " even when they dont see " EYE 2 EYE " you are very special 4 me because i always see you in my HEART........ Hve a joy ful day ">" border="0"/> keep smilling